How To Use Aloe Vera For Hair Growth And Thickness
Aloe vera is one of the best hair care and skincare ingredient. I always use aloe vera in my hair packs, hair serum, hair gels, etc. I have planted many aloe vera plants in my backyards. You can see this plant in everyone’s garden, right? Almost all people use this natural ingredient in their beauty care. Many of my neighbors and my friends ask why you want these many aloe vera plants? Why have you grown this much aloe vera? etc. questions. My answer is that is because of my beauty care, especially for my hair care.
Yes, this is true. Because it does miracles on my hair and skin. If you want baby skin then I recommend using natural aloe vera not store-bought. If you use store-bought there are chances of having chemicals. It may harm your skin or hair. To avoid that you can plant aloe vera in your garden. I give many aloe vera stems to my friends and relatives.
My aloe vera plants are like plantations for them. Whenever you use aloe vera on your hair you can recognize the changes in your hair. I and my family often use this aloe vera for long and thick hair. If your hair is dry and frizzy then this is the amazing plant to use in your home remedies.
Benefits of Aloe Vera For Hair Thickening:
Let me tell you some benefits of aloe vera for hair:
- Aloe vera keeps our scalp healthy, by removing dandruff, itching, and prevents hair loss.
- It is best for damaged hair Because it repairs damaged hair naturally. Whenever I go out my hair damages a lot. So what I do is, I use aloe vera for my damaged hair. I will tell you how to use it later.
- Whenever our hair damages it becomes dull and shineless. For this problem, one and the only solution is aloe vera.
- Then if your hair becomes frizzy and dry then I recommend you to use this gel (homemade).
We can say that 75% of the beauty products include aloe vera in them. I hope you agree to this. Do you know, how to use aloe vera for Fast Hair Growth? We can use this Aloe Vera for our hair in various ways to get long, shiny, thick hair. If you have a fresh plant in your garden then take 2-3 stems of Aloe and extract the juice from it. Then you can use this juice as shampoo, hair serum, hair masks, etc.
Let’s have a look at some home remedies which can be prepared from aloe vera.
1. Aloe vera and Ginger for Hair Growth:
Ginger is a spice used in our daily cooking. Did you know that it can be used not only in cooking but also as our beauty enhancer? Yes it is often used in hair care. This is an excellent home remedy for those with a baldness. We often use it in home remedies, such as cold, cough, throat pain, etc. Ginger has great significance in Ayurveda. Ginger has the power to cure most diseases. It is well packed with antioxidants and antiseptic properties that are very useful for our skin care and hair care.
Now let’s prepare one hair growth spray. To prepare this spray you need ½ cup of fresh aloe vera gel and 2 tablespoons of ginger juice. Blend it well until they combine well.
Transfer this mixture in to spray bottle and spray it all over your scalp and hair. Gently massage for 5 minutes. Leave it for at least 1 hr or overnight and rinse off with cool water. You can continue once or twice a week.
2. Aloe Vera and Castor Oil:
You may have heard of castor oil. Castor oil is used for joint pain, hair oil, constipation, acidity, etc. Our grandparents used it abundantly. In earlier times, this oil was made at home. As it contains ricinoleic acid and Omega -6 fatty acids which are very essential for our healthy hair. But now it is amply available in the markets. When we massage this oil to our scalp, it promotes blood circulation in the scalp, thereby boosting thick hair and fast hair growth.
To prepare this pack you need ½ cup aloe vera gel, 2 tablespoons of fenugreek powder, and 2 tablespoons of castor oil.
Mix all the ingredients in the mixing bowl and apply them to your scalp and hair. Use a shower cap to cover your hair let it sit for an hour and wash it off with normal water.

3. Aloe Vera and Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is not only used in cooking but also used in beauty remedies. They are packed with vitamins and minerals which are required for hair growth. I use it to treat dandruff problems, because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
To make this home remedy you need ½ cup of aloe vera gel and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Stir well until it blends properly. Transfer it to a spray bottle and spray it all over your scalp as well as your hair. Give a good massage. Let it sit for 30minutes to 1 hour before rinsing off.
4. Aloe Vera and Egg:
The abundance of proteins in the eggs is needed for our healthy hair. If you want to moisturize your hair then use it, because contains lecithin fat that helps to strengthen and moisturize our hair.
In the mixing bowl add 3 tablespoons aloe vera gel, 1 egg yolk, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Blend it well. Apply to your scalp and hair. Let it stay in your hair for 25-30 minutes. Rinse off with cold water along with the mild shampoo.
5. Aloe Vera and Honey for Dry hair:
I already told you that aloe vera can be used for damaged and dull hair to get its shine back. Honey is also one of the natural beauty ingredients, which plays an important role in skin and haircare. The mixture of both aloe and honey acts as a moisturizer for our hair. If you have hair breakage, Split End Problems then this remedy is very powerful to get rid of those problems.
To make this remedy you need aloe vera gel, honey, and coconut oil according to your hair length. Mix all and apply from hair root to tips. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and wash out with normal water.

6. Aloe vera and Onion Juice:
Do you know how onion helps to reduce hair thinning? Because it contains sulfur that helps to boost collagen production. I always use this onion internally and externally. Internally means I like to eat raw onions along with lemon and with salads.
To prepare this remedy you need 3 tablespoons of aloe vera and onion juice and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Blend it well and apply it to your scalp to the full length of your hair. Leave for 20 minutes to dry and rinse off with water using a mild shampoo.
Now it’s time to conclude, Well, let me conclude with short and sweet. Aloe Vera is a natural ingredient that helps to get rid of almost all hair care problems. If you want healthy thick hair, make sure to use aloe vera in your hair care regime. Choose any of the above-said remedies and continue for 2 to 3 months for best results. Share your results with me friends. Thank you so much.